PowerFLARM Eagle LED display

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£90.00 VAT Included

A small and compact plug and play LED display for any FLARM or PowerFLARM device. Features LED indicators and an audio beeper for audio-visual indication and warnings in case of a potential mid-air collision.

LED display

Low power consumption Flarm LED indicator

Plug and play with any FLARM or PowerFLARM device

A small and compact plug and play LED display for any FLARM or PowerFLARM device. Features LED indicators and an audio beeper for audio-visual indication and warnings in case of a potential mid-air collision.

Fully compatible

LED display is compatible with any FLARM or PowerFLARM device, no matter the manufacturer.

Traffic position

Provides the pilot with the position of another aircraft horizontally and vertically in relation to you.

Single connector

Connect your FLARM device via single 1:1 FLARM cable. That’s it.

Audio warnings

Depending on frequency, the pilot will know how close other aircraft are.


49mm x 25mm x 5mm


28 g

Power supply

via 1:1 FLARM cable


RJ45 6P

Weight 0.25 kg

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